"Learning is Not Compulsory…Neither is Survival"
— W. Edwards Deming

Wilderness Survival Resources
Canadian Bushcraft & Wilderness Skills Gatherings
Canada has fewer Wilderness Skills Gatherings than the UK or US, but the one we do have are top notch. Canada played host to the Global Bushcraft Symposium on June 10-14, 2019. This was a world class once in a decade meeting of the best of Survival & Bushcraft Instructors, Practitioners and Enthusiasts in the northern hemisphere.
- Frostbite! Winter Camping Symposium [January 5-7, 2024, Alberta]
- Rat Root Rendezvous [August, 2024, Alberta]
- Global Bushcraft Symposium
Notable Gatherings
Gatherings are a great way to practical survival training and skills while meeting many of the Instructors of Survival, Bushcraft, and Primitive Technology together in one place along with many greatly skilled enthusiasts. These Gathering are often called Primitive Living Skills Conferences or Symposiums.
- Rabbitstick [September 2024, Near Rexburg Idaho]
Modern Wilderness Survival Resources
Modern Wilderness Survival Training is basic simple survival training designed to keep you alive when temporarily trapped in the wilderness. STOP [Stop, Think, Orient, and Plan] may be a basic wilderness survival adage, but it also why you need to take proper Modern Wilderness Survival Training. If you do not know enough about survival: STOP, THINK about what specific training you might require. ORIENT yourself to what training and resources are available. Then PLAN to take the specific training you actually require. Primitive technology courses while often very interesting teach many impractical skills not readily usable in most survival situation. Why learn skills that will have no real application in a wilderness survival situation?
- Canadian Outdoor Survival Podcast
- Why Professional Survival Training is Necessary [Article]
- Canadian Wilderness Survival Information [Wilderness Survival Resources & Training]
- Canadian Wilderness Survival Search Engine [Custom Google Search Engine]
- Critical Survival Items [Article]
- Equipped To Survive [The Survival Equipment and Techniques Web Site]
- Get Prepared [Canadian Government Site - 72 hours Is your Family Prepared?]
- Survival Immediate Actions [Article]
- Survival Skills [Wikipedia]
- Survival TV vs. Reality [Article]
- The Rucksack: Wilderness Survival Primer
- Survival and Cold Weather Research Articles [Survival Article Library]
- Bulletin of Primitive Technology
Survival Kits
Survival Kits are something we hear about all the time. They are a really a two edged sword. On one hand they are a handy thing to carry around with you. On the other hand if you start with the container and build in what fits, they are often without the proper Critical Items you really need to survive in the wilderness. A good kit is built from the critical items up, not the container down.
- Survival Kit on a String [Article & Video]
- Survival Kit in a Water Bottle [Article & Video]
- Survival Kit in a Pot [Article]
- Survival Kit in a Lifejacket [Article]
- Survival Kit Article [Wikipedia]
- Basic Emergency Kit [Government of Canada]
Wilderness Survival Forums
There are many Wilderness Survival Forums on the internet. Each with their own flavour and membership. There is much to learn by talking about and sharing ideas from a diverse group of individuals all interested in the topic of Wilderness Survival. These discussions lead to greater levels of education and general dissemination of critical survival knowledge.
- The Survival Forum [Sponsored by Equipped to Survive & The Best Around!]
- Wilderness Survival Forums [Sponsored by Wilderness-Survival.net]
Survival Schools
Notable Modern Wilderness Survival Schools
When traveling into the Canadian Wilderness proper planning and preparation are required. This includes learning the proper skills and knowing what equipment you need to take with you that will save your life. Modern Wilderness Survival Training is a solid component of a proper Wilderness Travel Safety Programme and can help to eliminate most potentially life threatening wilderness survival situations.
- Arctic Response [NT Canada]
- BWI's Modern Wilderness Survival Courses [AB Canada]
- Bear Lake Bushcraft Company [AB Canada]
- Beaver River Bushcraft [AB Canada]
- Three Ravens Bushcraft [AB Canada]
- Wildside Wilderness Connection [AB Canada]
Notable Bushcraft & Primitive Survival Techniques Schools
Bushcraft which is really a combination of Modern Wilderness Survival and useful Primitive Survival Techniques is what most survival schools teach. Although many often have extra courses designed to teach specific skills. It is these skill courses that will allow you to get the most out of your Primitive Survival Techniques education and they are best balanced by a good core of practical survival training and skills.
- Ancient Pathways [AZ USA]
- Aboriginal Living Skills School [AZ USA]
- Boulder Outdoor Survival School [CO USA]
- Karamat Wilderness Ways [AB Canada, Suppliers of Mor Kochanski Videos and Pocket Size Booklets.]
- Outdoor Wilderness Living School [MT USA]
- Vermont Wilderness School [VT USA]
- Wilderness Awareness School [WA USA]