Take Real Survival Training this Fall

The Fall Mountain Survival Course (FMSC) is a world-class professionally taught Modern Wilderness Survival Course designed to give you the knowledge you need if stranded in the Mountains of Canada. This survival course gives you the skills and confidence you need for survival anywhere in the Canadian mountains. To register for this 5-day course, you need to complete the Online Survival Core Seminar first and have read Canadian Wilderness Survival.
We will begin the course on a 250-plus acre training site at our base camp located in the Columbia Mountains near Boswell, B.C. We spend the next three days learning mountain survival skills. The Temperate Rainforest in Fall is a wet, moisture-filled environment with a limited chance of snow. It provides a unique training environment in Canada with; cedar, fir, larch, hemlock, birch, willow and pine. We will spend some of our time exploring this wonderful forest, collecting firewood, and harvesting saplings and other useful plants in this forest.
"…talks about the task, then does the task, then gives you the time to complete the task…" — Former Student.
We will concentrate during these three days on teaching the fundamental survival skills you need to learn; safe tool use, fire lighting, cooking over a fire, shelter building and water purification. During this time, you will live in a rustic camp. Each participant will build and live in various single and double person shelter with a shared fire. Fire management and cooperation with the individual on the other side of the fire are essential skills you will be practicing. We will also build an A-Frame Shelter with a improvised hearth or fireplace.
We will then leave our base camp and move as a group by vehicle and foot to a higher elevation area to live a night in another location. In this new area, we will see the differences in the forest due to elevation and slope. Here we will ensure you can survive and thrive if stranded by building a quick improvised shelter and fire. We will also have a chance to see and understand northerly and southerly facing slopes and the changes caused by higher elevation. Along the way, we will take a walkabout in another Forest of the Columbian Mountains.
The course finishes off with a wrap-up and debriefing at our base camp. On Graduation each successful participant receives the BWI's Survival Certificate.
Field Training Skills Covered
- Safely using a Survival Knife
- Basic Knife Handling
- Wood Splitting with a Survival Knife
- Sharpening Board & Knife Sharpening
Using Survival Tools
- Build & Use a Baton
- Notches & Try Sticks
- Useful Knots
- Using a Bow Saw
- Build an Improvised Sawhorse
- Safe Falling of Deadfall Trees
- Natural Cordage & Binding
- Making Cedar Cordage
The Food Challenge
- Legal Fishing & Hunting Discussion
- Bush Scavenging in the Mountains
- Improvised Fishing in the Mountains
- Improvised Hunting in the Mountains
Fire Lighting
- Using Artificial and Natural Tinder
- Finding Natural Fire Lighting Aids
- Fire Lighting with a Striker
- Standard and Survival Twig Bundles
- Getting a Fire Started
- Keeping a Fire Burning
- Overnight Fire Management Skills
- Selection of Proper Fire Wood
- No-Evergreen Fire Lighting
- Building Cooking Cranes
- Cooking over a Fire
- Cooking with a Stick Burner
- Building a Signal Fire
- No-Trace Cooking Fires
Water Purification
- Purifying Water
- Safe Collecting of Water
Shelter Building
- Single & Double Super Shelters
- Various Lean-to Shelters
- 4-Finger Rainforest Bough Bed
- Collecting & Using Natural Shelter Material
- Build various Survival Shelters
- Build A-Frame Shelter & Stove
- Build various Improvised Shelters
Montane & Forest Environment
- Trees of the Montane Forest
- Trees of the Interior Temperate Rainforest Forest
- Useful plants of the Montane Forest
- Useful plants of the Interior Temperate Rainforest
- Use and Identification of Aspect/Slope
- Safe Camp Locations in the Mountains
- Safe Summer & Fall Mountain Travel
- Safe Water Crossings
- Dealing with Bears, Cougars and other Wildlife
- Keeping Gear Safe & Dry in the Bush
- Camp Reclamation

Fall Mountain Survival Course Fine Print
- Cost Includes: Instruction, Course Materials; a Survival Knife, Fire Lighting Kit and the use of various materials, shelters, tools and cooking pots during the course.
- NOT Provided: Transportation, Food, Personal Gear, Boots and Clothing.
- Please Ask Questions before you arrive to Avoid Problems.