Training in Fire Lighting & Shelter Building
"I liked the practical shelter building and twig bundle collecting…" — SFS Participant

"I can't believe what I learned in one weekend." — SFS Participant
This 1-day course takes you beyond the Survival Core Seminar, emphasizing useful summer forest resources, fire lighting, shelter building, knifecraft, dealing with insects, using proper survival tools and water purification. You gain confidence in solid modern survival techniques that can be quickly applied anywhere in the Canadian wilderness. This training gives you the chance to develop and practice summer survival skills, it has a relaxed hands-on learning atmosphere. It will allow you an excellent look at the challenges of the Canadian wilderness in summer..
"The sense of accomplishment in building a shelter…was so very good…" — SFS Participant
Practical Summer Survival Skills
Participants will have the opportunity to build a summer survival shelters and learn to properly use various survival tools. Firecraft practice will be extensive and emphasize on lighting fire with natural tinder and a flint striker. Participants will build a survival shelter. The Winter Field Session and the Summer Field Session are complementary courses, each with new skills and an emphasis on fire lighting or you can move on to one of our advance 5-day survival courses.
"Very Practical, Lots of Training, & Kept Busy." — SFS Participant

"…this is an Excellent Course to begin Wilderness Studies" — SFS Participant
Wilderness Field Session Skills
- Selecting a good Survival Knife
- Basic Knife Handling
Survival Tools
- Build and Use a Baton
- Basic Notches
- Useful Knots
Water Purification
- Finding and Collecting Water
- Water Purification Methods
Fire Lighting
- Finding Natural Tinder
- Finding Natural Fire Lighting Aids
- Fire Lighting with a Striker
- Basic Twig Bundles
- Getting a Fire Started
- Keeping a Fire Burning
- Selection of Proper Wood
- Cooking with a Cooking Fire
- Cooking with a Kelly Kettle
- Cooking with a Stick Burner
Shelter Building
- Selection of Summer Survival Shelters
- Improvised Shelters or Hooch
- Build a Survival Shelter
- Insect Resistant Summer Shelters
Boreal Forest
- Trees of the Boreal Forest
- Useful plants of the Summer Forest
- Identification of Aspect/Slope
- Survival Camp Locations
- Individual Protection from Insects
"Fire Lighting & Shelter Building was Great, Thanks" — SFS Participant